Financial Performance
At a Glance:
- Face value of the Company’s equity shares is 10/-
- The Company’s Equity Shares are listed on Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
- The Company’s scrip-code on BSE: 531297
- ISIN for Artefact’s equity shares: INE885B01014
- The Company’s Equity Shares are under compulsory trading in demat form only.
- Over 97.44% of the Company’s Equity Shares are held in demat form.
- The Company’s Equity shares are freely transferable except as may be required statutorily
- Link Intime (India) Private Limited is Registrar and Share Transfer Agent of the company.

Investor Grievance Handling Mechanism
All share related transactions viz. transfer, transmission, transposition, nomination, dividend, change of name/address/signature, registration of mandate/Power of Attorney, replacement/split/ consolidation of share certificates, demat/remat of shares, issue of duplicate certificates etc. are being handled by Link Intime (India) Private Limited, the Registrar and Share Transfer Agent, discharges investor service functions effectively , efficiently and expeditiously.
Investors are required to correspond directly with Link Intime (India) Private Limited, on all share related matters.
The Board of Directors of the Company has constituted a Shareholder’s Grievance Committee (the committee) which inter alia, approves issue of duplicate certificates and oversees and reviews all matters connected with share transfers and other processes. The Committee also looks into the redressal of shareholders complaints related to transfer of shares, non-receipt of Dividend etc. The Committee oversees the performance of the R & T agent and recommends measures for overall improvement in the quality of investor services.
Recommendation by Company to Shareholders / Investors
In pursuit of the company’s objective to mitigate/avoid risks while dealing with shares and related matters, the following are the Company’s recommendations to shareholders/investors:-
Open demat account and dematerialize your shares
Investors should convert their physical holdings of shares into demat holdings. Holding shares in demat form helps investors to get immediate transfer of the shares. No stamp duty is payable on transfer of shares held in demat form and risk associated with physical certificates such as forged transfers, fake certificates and bad deliveries are avoided.
Steps involved in dematerialisation of shares:
- Shareholder fills out a Dematerialisation Request Form (DRF) and surrenders the defaced share certificate(s) alongwith the DRF to the DP
- The DP intimates the Company of this request through the system of NSDL/CDSL
- The DP submits the share certificate(s) and the DRF to the company.
- The Company updates the Register of Members and then validates the request
- The Depository credits the DP's account .
- The DP updates the investor's demat account and informs the shareholder.
- At present, no stamp duty has to be paid on transfer of shares in demat form.
Consolidate Multiple Folios
Investors should consolidate their shareholding held in multiple folios. This would facilitate one – stop tracking of all corporate benefits on the shares and would reduce time and efforts required to monitor multiple folios.
- Register ECS mandate and furnish correct bank account particulars with the Company/ Depository Participant (DP)
Investor should provide an ECS mandate to the company in case of shares held in physical form and ensure that the correct and updated particulars of his bank account are available with the Depository Participant (DP) in case of shares held in demat form. This would facilitate direct credit of dividends; refunds etc. from companies to his bank account and avoid postal delays and loss in transit. - Fill and submit nomination form
Investors should register the nominations, in case of physical shares, with the company and in the case of dematerialised shares with their DP. Nomination would help successors to get the shares transmitted in their favor without any hassles - Proper updation by the shareholders
Investor should provide an ECS mandate to the company in case of shares held in physical form and ensure that the correct and updated particulars of his bank account are available with the Depository Participant (DP) in case of shares held in demat form. This would facilitate direct credit of dividends; refunds etc. from companies to his bank account and avoid postal delays and loss in transit.
Course of action in case of non-receipt of Dividend, Revalidation of Dividend warrant etc.
Shareholders may write to the Company’s R&T agent, furnishing particulars of the dividend not received or Dividend Warrants lost, and quoting the folio number (in case of shares held in physical mode)/ DP ID and Client ID particulars (in case of shares held in demat mode). The Demand Draft will be issued if the dividend remains unpaid in the records of the company after expiry of the validity period of the warrant which is normally three months from the date of its issue. In case of loss of original dividend warrant the shareholder has to execute a letter of indemnity.
No demand draft will be issued in respect of dividends which have remained unclaimed and unpaid for a period of seven years in the unpaid dividend account of the company as they are required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund constituted by the Central Government..
In case of loss of share certificate(s) by the registered shareholder(s):
- Shareholder(s) should immediately notify to the company by way of a letter duly signed by the shareholder(s), the fact of loss/misplacement of share certificate(s) alongwith copy of Police FIR bearing complete details of share certificate(s) lost/ misplaced, viz. share certificate no(s), distinctive nos., number of shares, folio no(s), etc
- On receipt of above documents and upon verification of signature of the shareholder(s) on the intimation letter, the company shall note 'stop transfer' remarks against the relevant share certificate(s)
- The company shall inform to the shareholder(s) procedure to be followed for issue of duplicate share certificate(s) alongwith the formats of affidavit, indemnity bond, etc. to be executed by the shareholder(s) in the prescribed manner on non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value
On receipt of executed affidavit, indemnity bond and other documents/papers and after publication of public notice in newspaper(s), the company shall issue duplicate share certificate(s), in case the company does not receive any objection for the same.